I am a doctoral fellow of the Computer Science Department at the University of Antwerp (UoA). I work in the Modelling Simulation and Design Lab (MSDL) at UoA and the Antwerp Systems and Software Modelling Corelab (AnSyMo) in FlandersMake.

I am also a member of the knowledge preservation and sharing group at the filmwerkplaats, Rotterdam, an artist-run analog film lab.

I firmly believe in Free and Open-Sourced Software and self-hosting services (see footer), which fits into my larger (left-leaning/communist/anarchist) political and philosophical principles.

It becomes important at this point, to mention and support sci-hub and wikileaks.

I do not profess any particular field of interest for research, but will grab any opportunity that promises to be exciting, wholesome, and educative. So far, I have worked in the domains of modelling and simulation, digital signal processing, hardware-software co-design, verification and validation, education, and radio-frequency antenna design.

I have also dabbled in the hospitality sector with over 500 hours of experience as a hostel receptionist.

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