
Organizing Committee Member
  • Workshop on Model-Driven Engineering for Verification and Validation (MoDEVVa) 2024
  • Current Trends in Cyber-Physical Systems Workshop (CTiCPS) 2020
Journal Reviewer
  • Elsevier Simulation Modeling, Practice, and Theory (SiMPaT) : 2022 : 1 paper
  • IEEE Transaction on Instrumentation and Measurement (IEEE-TIM) : 2023 – 2022 : 3 papers
  • Springer Software and System Modelling (SoSyM) : 2023 : 1 paper
  • ACM Transactions on Software Engineering and Methodology (ToSEM) : 2023 : 1 paper
Program Committee Member
  • Intl Conf on Model-Driven Engineering Languages and Systems (MODELS) Tool-Demos Track : 2024
  • Intl Conf on Evaluation of Novel Approaches to Software Engineering (ENASE) : 2024 : 1 paper
  • Medical Informatics Europe (MIE) : 2024-2023 : 4 papers
  • Annual Simulation Conference (AnnSim) : 2023 : 1 paper
  • Intl Conf on Software Engineering Technologies (ICSOFT) : 2023 – 2021 : 5 papers
  • Intl Conf on Information Systems Development (ISD) : 2022-2021 : 2 papers
  • Workshop on Multi-paradigm Modeling for Cyber-Physical Systems (MPM4CS) : 2022 : 1 paper
External Reviewer of a Thesis
  • Trajectory Simulator for a Digital Twin of the Oslo Fjord, Master Thesis of JM Manokaran, 2024, University of Oslo, Norway
Student Volunteer
  • Intl Conference on Model-Driven Engineering Languages and Systems (MODELS): 2022
  • Program Equivalence and Relational Reasoning Workshop (PERR): 2022
  • Intl Workshop on Program Equivalence (IWPE): 2022
  • Intl Workshop on Software Engineering for Artificial Intelligence (SE4AI): 2021